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I’m a biologist and mom of two beautiful daughters. I’m also a curious artist and maker, I enjoy learning new techniques and exploring new results every day. My goal is to make you smile, and your home shine!

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Art & Prints made with hand-carved stamps and Love

Refreshing news and getting back to art flow

block print of a woman's portrait with flowers in her hair. Carving tool is displayed and ink pad as well
Carved rubber block of a springtime lady with flowery hair do

Hello my dear friends! I am thrilled to be back to the blog and provide you with some great news. I would like to share a bit about my journey over the past 2+ years, since I have not posted here at all. Well, first of all I moved from the Pacific North West coast to Spain.

Just before moving to Spain, I had been working on creating my first Skillshare class. I have to say it was an amazing process, guided by a coach and following her advice. It was very professional and time consuming, not to mention I had to learn a complete set of skills (including video recording, video editing and stretching my creative skills as well). I worked hard on the script and the sections of the class, I had weekly follow ups and got as far as I could. However, both the fact that I had to learn so many new things in order to make faster progress and that I lost the physical place where I was recording the class due to the overseas move, made this a failed trial. I was not disappointed though, because as I say, in order to reach to where I was, I passed through very valuable experiences.

In parallel, as part of my farewell activities in Seattle, I gave away a copy of this cute print to my girlfriends, each of them got to pick the print color. I think this one was of the last pieces I created in the US. Which one is your favorite?

block print and print copies of the spring lady
I really like how these prints turned out. Which color is your favorite? In the print, the words in Spanish mean “create, laugh, live, dream”

When I first arrived to Spain, as you can imagine, I had no time for art as I was settling down and starting a new day job. This is the main reason for the huge hiatus in my blog posting. But there were also other reasons: number one being I did not have my art supplies with me, they were traveling by sea. Eventually, I decided to buy a starter’s kit and it was so nice to carve a tiny block once again. It felt so grounding and satisfying! That was around the last part of last year, and I remember I made a batch of black ink printing over white paper and embellished the prints with colorful watercolor. I turned this small prints into cute little art pieces that turned into holiday gifts for family and friends. Lucky enough, we had family visits before Christmas and New Year, and she brought the nicely wrapped up art gifts back to Buenos Aires, my home town. I will dedicate another post to share those prints in the near future, I promise 🙂

To say the least, the landing in Spain in terms of working experience was pretty rough and stressful. As a consequence, almost no art made its way out during that period, the one exception being the example I have just mentioned. Do you know the expression after a storm there is always a rainbow? Well, I’m happy to announce that I have resumed my project of teaching online and that the first class is now available as a recorded version. Yay! You can check it out in the weagora.in website. That’s a new platform where creative folks share their skills. The fun thing is that the content has many formats, such as articles, recorded videos and live video streaming. The latest being the most fun of all, because the audience can interact with me through chat and sending pictures of what they are working on. If you’d like to watch the recording of the first tutorial, click here. One detail, everything in this platform is in Spanish, so another good reason to watch it is to practice your language skills 🙂

So, a good moral of this story is “don’t give up on your dreams” because they will find the way to come true. And also “don’t lose motivation even if the world seems against your wishes”, it’s important to know that as soon as you will recover your creative energy, your art will continue to flow, in forms that you might not imagine while the storm is still hitting.

Wishing you a pleasant art journey and a welcome back to flow for myself,

Hope to see you soon,

Love, Mery

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About Me Mery Beaumont

I’m a biologist and mom to two beautiful daughters. I’m also a curious artist and maker, I enjoy learning new techniques and exploring new results every day. I am a self-taught designer and print maker. I love hand carved stamps and everything you can do with them.  Join my journey in the search of inspiration and joy for the little things. Every design has its story!

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